Meet Rhonda Neal
My creative journey began as a small child coloring at my Mama Grace’s coffee table. She inspired me to think creatively and gave me permission to try new things and color outside the lines so to speak. I carried my love and curiosity of art into my adolescent years and kept honing my drawing and painting skills - creating beauty with my hands was, and still is, my passion. Upon graduating high school, my love of art continued and led me to pursuing art as my full time career, earning my Bachelor's Degree in Fine Arts and Graphic Design.
Once married, and the mom of two boys, my love of stationery and design reached a new height. I was designing birth announcements, thank you notes, shower invitations, and every kind of birthday party invitation you can imagine. Word began to travel in our small town of Monroe, Louisiana, and I quickly became the go-to for all things custom stationery and party paper. It's hard to believe that I have now been printing and designing stationery for over 25 years! I have loved ever single minute of my journey and now it is a joy to design wedding invitations for some of my first birthday party clients.
One of my favorite life mantras can be summed up in one French-Cajun word. Lagniappe. A little something extra.
That’s my mission with Rhonda Neal Shoppe - to give you a little something extra for your special occasions.